Did you mean thyroidectomy? I am not familiar with the term thymectomy. If you are having the thyroid taken out, they can test it then, no need for an FNA. If you are not having a thyroidectomy, then it should be tested at least with a FNA biopsy. Solid nodules are more often cancerous, but again, the chances are only 5-15%.
These are our most popular posts: what is echogenic texture of pancreas
Abdominal Ultrasound - wikiRadiography
Pancreatic size; Pancreatic echotexture / echogenicity; Pancreatic shape; Pancreatic duct / caliber; Peri-pancreatic area. Standard documentation: Long axis views of pancreas (transverse epigastrium); Oblique views to show tail of pancreas ... read moreGallstones/Liver Disorder - Liver Pancreas Disorders Message ...
Gallstones/Liver Disorder Liver Pancreas Disorders. ... I have had nonstop discomfort, but tolerable if need be. So here are my results::: The liver has a homogeneous echo texture. No liver mass is seen. There is no dilatation of the intra or extrahepatic biliary tree. There are multiple small echogenic foci in the gallbladder associated with acoustic shadowing compatible with gallstones. There is no thickening of the gallbladder wall. Reportedly, the sonographic Murphy ... read moreSUPER KAWAII REPORTING GUIDELINES!!!!!!! - Hoot-chan Kawaii ...
Parenchymal texture. Focal lesions: including soft tissue masses, cysts, and calcification. Pancreatic duct; calibre, contour and stones. Peripancreatic lesions; solid masses, lymphadenopathy and cysts 2. GALL BLADDER .... Echogenicity: a) Markedly hypoechoic b) Hyperechoic Calcification Capsular thickness 3rd Trimester OB The last menstrual period (LMP) or previously calculated estimated date of delivery (EDD) and previous obstetric history should be noted. ... read moreJournal of Medical Case Reports
An ultrasound of his abdomen performed 48 hours later showed mild hepatic enlargement with his liver measuring 17.1 cm in length with a coarse, echogenic texture. There were no ... His pancreas was well seen and unremarkable. His renal ... read more
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