
What Is Ucita

what is ucita

Fundamentals Of Business Law

UCITA stands for Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act and it is a states draft law for contracts. The National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Law drafted this model law to facilitate licensing of computer softwares; the most well known law is Uniform Commercial Code. Before the UCC and the UCITA, the commerce clause was used to regulate commerce in US with foreign nations, among the states and with the Native American tribes. The clause had emerged when Framers responded to the central problem giving rise to the constitution itself. The primary use of the clause was to preclude the kind of discriminatory state legislation that was once permissible. Commerce clause provided the congress with authority to conduct their business across different states.

The major differences between article 2 of Uniform Commercial Clause and UCITA are that UCITA facilitated licensing of intangible computer related intellectual property. The owners were permitted with the software that would maintain control over their intellectual property. Uniform Commercial Code harmonized the law of sales and other commercial transactions in all the fifty states of United States of America. The UCC achieved its goal by achieving substantial uniformity in commercial legislation and allowed the states to meet local circumstances.             UCC is noted to be the longest and the most elaborate as it has been in joint project with National Conference of Commissions on Uniform State Laws.(Anna,1998)

Together with UCC, the NCCUSL shares the responsibility to ensure there is fairness to software users. The drafting committee originally proposed a new article to the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). This new article was referred to as UCC Article 2B or simply UCC 2B.the UCITA is controversial as it interferes with the US copyright Act by limiting what is referred to as "first sale doctrine". This permits a purchaser a copy of a creative work of another, the right to resell that copy. To this extent, the UCITA may be regarded as unconstitutional.

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Section 2-207 of the UCC indicates that the offeror or the offeree can survive commercial transaction where multiple forms with varying terms are exchanged. After analyzing whether UCC and the common law governs, the court try to find out which form constitutes the offer such as the purchase order. The UCC Article 2 is designed to facilitate the sale, shipment and delivery of tangible goods, i.e., movable personal property identified in a contract.

The UCC discourages the se of the legal formalities by making business contracts this allows businesses to move forward without the intervention of lawyers. A legal formality has been discouraging litigation by requiring some kind of ritual that can always provide a clear dividing line.

Sales and licensing are two different things as there can be sales of licenses or sale f packaged software which are today governed by UCC article 2. Article 2B established new rules that consumers thinks that are unfavorable for their small businesses. Sales creates a contracting structure where customers don't get to see the terms of their software contracts not until they sell.UCC article 2B allows the seller to exclude incidental and consequential damages (2B-703) and that exclusion will stick even if the exclusive remedy provided by the contract fails of its essential purpose or is ruled unconscionable by a court (2B-703(c)). In doing this, Article 2B drops the Article 2 notion of a minimum adequate remedy.

Licensing is a legal act or process of selling or buying property rights to be in apposition to produce commodities by use of copyrighted properties. On the other hand, selling is the mechanical act of selling a product based on a copyright product. While licensing, the inventor gets the right to manufacture and sell the licensed product. Selling involves exchanging money for tangible goods.(John,1993)

Understanding Electronic Contracting: Ucita, E-Signature, Federal, State and Foreign Regulations, 2001 (Corporate Law and Practice Course Handbook Series)
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UCITA and UCC shares common ground in terms of ideology. UCC enacts all stages regarding intellectual property while UCITA concentrates on innovation and competition. It also addresses the intangible aspects that are aligned with computer software and other things that are closely related. (Ring, 2001). Times have changed and UCC have to address many computer issues that are coming up.

Sources of international laws.

Multilateral treaties
International custom as evidence of a general practice accepted as law.
The general principles of law recognized by civilized nations.
Judicial decisions and the teachings of the most highly qualified publicists of the various nations.

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE UCITA stands for Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act and it is a states draft law for contracts. The National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Law drafted this model law to facilitate licensing of computer softwares; the most well known law is Uniform Commercial Code. Before the UCC and the UCITA, the commerce clause was used to regulate commerce in US with foreign nations, among the states and with the Native American tribes. The clause had emerged when Framers responded to the central problem giving rise to the constitution itself. The primary use of the clause was to preclude the kind of discriminatory state legislation that was once permissible. Commerce clause provided the congress with authority to conduct their business across different states.

The major differences between article 2 of Uniform Commercial Clause and UCITA are that UCITA facilitated licensing of intangible computer related intellectual property. The owners were permitted with the software that would maintain control over their intellectual property. Uniform Commercial Code harmonized the law of sales and other commercial transactions in all the fifty states of United States of America. The UCC achieved its goal by achieving substantial uniformity in commercial legislation and allowed the states to meet local circumstances. UCC is noted to be the longest and the most elaborate as it has been in joint project with National Conference of Commissions on Uniform State Laws.(Anna,1998)

Together with UCC, the NCCUSL shares the responsibility to ensure there is fairness to software users. The drafting committee originally proposed a new article to the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). This new article was referred to as UCC Article 2B or simply UCC 2B.the UCITA is controversial as it interferes with the US copyright Act by limiting what is referred to as "first sale doctrine". This permits a purchaser a copy of a creative work of another, the right to resell that copy. To this extent, the UCITA may be regarded as unconstitutional.

Section 2-207 of the UCC indicates that the offeror or the offeree can survive commercial transaction where multiple forms with varying terms are exchanged. After analyzing whether UCC and the common law governs, the court try to find out which form constitutes the offer such as the purchase order. The UCC Article 2 is designed to facilitate the sale, shipment and delivery of tangible goods, i.e., movable personal property identified in a contract.

The UCC discourages the se of the legal formalities by making business contracts this allows businesses to move forward without the intervention of lawyers. A legal formality has been discouraging litigation by requiring some kind of ritual that can always provide a clear dividing line.

Sales and licensing are two different things as there can be sales of licenses or sale f packaged software which are today governed by UCC article 2. Article 2B established new rules that consumers thinks that are unfavorable for their small businesses. Sales creates a contracting structure where customers don't get to see the terms of their software contracts not until they sell.UCC article 2B allows the seller to exclude incidental and consequential damages (2B-703) and that exclusion will stick even if the exclusive remedy provided by the contract fails of its essential purpose or is ruled unconscionable by a court (2B-703(c)). In doing this, Article 2B drops the Article 2 notion of a minimum adequate remedy.

Licensing is a legal act or process of selling or buying property rights to be in apposition to produce commodities by use of copyrighted properties. On the other hand, selling is the mechanical act of selling a product based on a copyright product. While licensing, the inventor gets the right to manufacture and sell the licensed product. Selling involves exchanging money for tangible goods.(John,1993)

UCITA and UCC shares common ground in terms of ideology. UCC enacts all stages regarding intellectual property while UCITA concentrates on innovation and competition. It also addresses the intangible aspects that are aligned with computer software and other things that are closely related. (Ring, 2001). Times have changed and UCC have to address many computer issues that are coming up.

Sources of international laws.

· Multilateral treaties

· International custom as evidence of a general practice accepted as law.

The general principles of law recognized by civilized nations.
Judicial decisions and the teachings of the most highly qualified publicists of the various nations.

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